Brilliant Max Cure are two-part solvent-free adhesive systems that provide fast physical cure, 48-hour PAA decay, robust food safety compliance and enhanced environmental sustainability
Physical cure refers to bond and heat seal development after lamination.
Chemical cure refers to how quickly the packing material is able to comply with food safety regulations with regard to PAA migration.
In addition to benefits of fast physical and chemical cure, Brilliant'’s Max Cure range of solvent-free adhesives offers better functional performance:
M5511 / M500
Medium high performance applications including packing of liquids, bulk bags and aggressive filling goods like alcohol.
M5511 / M599
General to medium performance applications and is especially suited for printed substrates and high speed metalized film applications.
Raw Materials need to be on the positive lists of raw materials as prescribed by global legislation
Migration of any components, particularly primary aromatic amines, needs to be within prescribed limits
Adhesives need to be manufactured in accordance with GMP. Nothing in the adhesive should impact the organoleptic properties of the packaged food in any way
PAA can migrate into the food which is a health hazard for the consumer since PAA are considered to be carcinogenic.
There are several reasons migration of PAA can occur:
A. Incorrect mix ratio of the adhesive
B. Insufficient curing time
C. Low temperature or ambient humidity during curing
D. Certain types of substrates can also play a role